It has been proven that the pollen had cancer-curing properties. With only a small dose of this pollen, people with cancer had a better chance of survival. 它的花粉已经证明具有治疗癌症的特性,小小的花粉剂量,就可以让癌症病人存活的机会提高许多。
Objective to observe the feasibility and the validity of apply the early stage minim feed and small dose Erythromycin in the asphyxia neonatorum. 目的观察窒息新生儿进行早期微量喂养与少剂量红霉素合用的可行性和有效性。
Objective To observe the small dose of fentanyl used in the clinical effect of painless gastroscopy. 目的观察小剂量芬太尼用于无痛胃镜检查的临床效果。
Effect of the Small Dose Triptolide on Tumor Growth and Immune Function of Ovarian Cancer Rat 小剂量雷公藤内酯醇对荷卵巢癌大鼠肿瘤生长及免疫功能的影响
Objective To investigate the application of diprivan intravenous anesthesia with small dose of ketamine in induced abortion. 目的探讨小剂量氯胺酮加入得普利麻静脉麻醉在人工流产术中的应用。
Small dose of ferrous sulfate treatment of iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy Clinical Analysis of 30 Cases 小剂量硫酸亚铁治疗妊娠合并缺铁性贫血30例临床分析
Purpose: To explore whether small dose ketamine can enhance analgesic effect of propofol in induced abortion of early pregnancy. 目的:探讨小剂量氯胺酮能否有效加强异丙酚对初孕妇行人流术的镇痛作用。
Abstract: objective to evaluate the effectiveness of cyclophosphamide pulse therapy in combination with small dose of corticosteroid for the treatment of lupus nephritis. 文摘:目的探讨环磷酰胺冲击疗法联合小剂量皮质类固醇激素治疗狼疮性肾炎的疗效。
Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of doxepin in a small dose on opioid protracted abstinence symptoms. 目的:评估小剂量多虑平对阿片类稽延性戒断症状的临床疗效。
Effect of small dose low molecular weight heparin calcium in the treatment of severe pneumonia in infant 小剂量低分子肝素钙治疗婴幼儿重症肺炎疗效观察
To investigate the curative effect of functional dyspepsia treated with small dose Doxepine and Trimebutine. 目的探讨小剂量多虑平、诺为联合治疗功能性消化不良的疗效。
Conclusions Small dose dopamine can reduce the incidence of gallbladder-heart reflex in cholecystectomy under epidural anesthesia in elderly patients. 结论在连续硬膜外阻滞下行胆囊切除术时,应用小剂量多巴胺能明显减少病人胆&心反射的发生。
Conclusions: The erythromycin in small dose can improve the feeding tolerance of immature babies. 结论:小剂量红霉素能提高早产儿喂养耐受性。
A small dose of lipopolysaccharide ( LPS) was administered intraperitoneally once to aggravate endotoxemia of animal with cirrhosis. 腹腔内一次性注射小剂量内毒素以加重肝硬化动物的内毒素血症。
Effect Observation of Propofol Combined with Small Dose of Mifepristone and Misoprostol in Artificial Abortion 丙泊酚复合小剂量米非司酮、米索前列醇用于人工流产的效果观察
Early treatment with small dose dexamethasone attenuates seawater immersion-induced acute lung injury in dogs with open chest trauma 早期小剂量地塞米松对胸部开放伤后海水浸泡致犬急性肺损伤的影响
Conclusion Small dose fentanyl anesthesia can increase the effect of painless gastroscopy reduce the number of patients in the pain response, improve patient satisfaction, is worthy of clinical use. 结论小剂量芬太尼可提高无痛胃镜的麻醉效果,降低术中痛苦反应次数,提高患者满意度,值得临床推广使用。
A small dose of inflation may not be so bad. 一小份剂量的通胀或许并非那么糟糕。
The protective effect of early administration of small dose dopamine on mannitol renal injury in rabbits 早期使用小剂量多巴胺对兔甘露醇性肾损伤的保护作用
Application of anesthesia of sevoflurane combined small dose ketamine in children during the operation of indirect hernia 七氟醚联合小剂量氯胺酮全麻在小儿斜疝手术中的应用
The serum containing high, moderate and small dose of Rongshuan Grain and moderate dose of Atorvastatin reduced the expression of ICAM-1. 含大、中、小剂量溶栓颗粒和阿托伐他汀的大鼠血清能减少ICAM-1表达。
Objective: To evaluate the effects of small dose of insulin on feeding intolerance in preterm infants. 目的:评估小剂量胰岛素治疗早产儿喂养不耐受的疗效。
Objectives To explore the efficacy and safety of the small dose of amikacin in treatment of maintenance hemodialysis patients with urinary tract infections. 目的探讨小剂量硫酸阿米卡星注射液在维持性血透合并尿路感染患者治疗中的有效性及安全性。
OBJECTIVE Searching the methods of reducing the influence of glass crumbs in small dose injection. 目的寻找在小容量注射剂中减轻玻屑对产品质量影响的方法。
Objective To study whether mannitol renal injury can be prevented by administering small dose dopamine without withdrawing mannitol. 目的探讨早期使用小剂量多巴胺能否在不停用甘露醇的情况下防止甘露醇性肾损伤的发生。
Except that the single product of small dose is taken as radiosensitizer, the product is not suitable to be applied together with radiotherapy generally. 除单用本品较小剂量作放射增敏剂外,一般不宜和放射治疗同用。
Effect of naloxone in small dose on the respiratory rate and blood pressure in rabbits under ketamine 小剂量纳洛酮对氯胺酮家兔呼吸频率和血压的影响
Objective To determine the therapeutic effect of small dose of anisodamine and cimetidine for infant acute diarrhea therapy. 目的:观察小剂量山莨菪碱合并西米替丁在婴幼儿急性腹泻病治疗中的作用。
Application of Small Dose of Ketamine in Painless Gastroscopy 小剂量氯胺酮在无痛胃镜检查术中的应用
Application of etomidate combined with small dose sufentanil for painless enteroscopy in elderly patients 依托咪酯复合小剂量舒芬太尼在老年人无痛肠镜检查中的应用